Succession is never changed if it was Imperial elective.
For the HRE, Princely elective is used in place of Feudal elective.
Only uses elective if council has all voting powers, or already elective, or the faction fights a war.
Changes succession to Gavelkind or Feudal elective.
New liege owes favors to all attackers (if the faction fights a war).
Deposes the ruler in favor of the most popular vassal who is eligible (count+, feudal, adult, not imprisoned, not incapable, not in hiding or in seclusion, not eunuch, and must be male unless succession is fully equal).
If the title gets a new holder for any reason, faction members get "+10 Love the New Ruler" and cannot create/join this faction again for 2 years.
Liege must be at least king tier and not a religious head.
Liege government must be feudal group and not Chinese imperial.
The real Pope can be called into the war.
Seeks to install the faction leader as the new ruler, depose the antipope, and enact papal investiture.
Usable when liege is a king+ with a vassal antipope.
In HRE: always available, councilors cannot be suppressed by council laws, and somewhat higher priority.
With Conclave, requires the council to have all voting powers (except in HRE).
Without Conclave, requires lowest crown authority (Autonomous Vassals).
Changes succession to Feudal elective (for the HRE, Princely elective).
Rare: only started by AI if they would be heir under Seniority.
Rare: only started by AI if they would be heir under Primogeniture.
Imprisons the former ruler, if this was their primary title and either: the revolt leader was the claimant or the former ruler was demoted in rank.
If the revolt leader is also the claimant, uses a modified CB that allows the war to continue under an heir.
Attacker may call external allies (but not vassals of their former liege).
Character must have a claim or an elector-rank title (under Feudal elective or Princely elective).
As an exception, the Antiking faction can fire as low as 50%, since the Pope may offer to join as a war ally. AI leaders may issue ultimatums with a minimum of 75%, with large boosts to likelihood at 100% and 150%. Players receive a "Dangerous Factions" alert if a faction reaches 70% strength.
A voter (councilor or regent), when the council is empowered to vote on war declaration, the council is content (no recent tyranny or succession), and the voter is not tribal or nomadic.
Subject to a higher liege's crown law that outlaws vassal infighting (only without Conclave?).
Blood oath (only affects nomads claim-for-other factions are exempted).
Non-aggression pact (depending on a game rule).
"Discouraged from Factionalism: -5" opinion modifier (10 years from Spymaster "Scheme" mission, 100 years from Intrigue focus).